19 research outputs found

    Transformation hobby gardens residental area in Hódmezővásárhely

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    By the administrative area of Hódmezővásárhely we are supposed to mean not only the inner part of the town but also the vast world of farmsteads together with it. Fate of the former farmsteads of Kishomok on the two sides of the main road 47 between Hódmezővásárhely and Szeged has been formed differently as compared to the farmsteads in other parts of the town. As the area could not be cultivated on a large scale, due to its natural conditions, it was divided into plots and formed into closed gardens in the 1960s. In the gardens around the farmsteads the former owners grew grapes and fruit until these places were transformed into gardens for resting purposes. In the 1970s small sheds and then weekend-houses were built on the plots. In the 1980s the population started to move into this area which is resulted from decentralization, so the first permanent inhabitants settled down in the closed gardens of Kishomok that time. This process can be explained primarily with social reasons. One of the most outstanding elements of the Hungarian suburbanization was the spatial reorganization of the population. The same thing happened in Hódmezővásárhely, too. For the last 20 years it has been Kishomok where the infrastructural development could be experienced the most, comparing to certain parts of the Town. By today the former world of farmsteads has been transformed into an independent district

    Role of inhabitants living outside of towns in rural areas

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    Since collectivization of the agriculture in the past few decades, scientific literature defines the population living outside of towns or villages agriculture peasantry. It is false, because it was not an occupational construction any more; all of them all changed a lot in the look of commerce. The peasantry got its share of a determining role in the Hungarian society's establishment in the course of the centuries; let it be an economy, sociology, a tradition, e.g. The last changes of twenty years did not let the farms untouched. New inhabitants arrived and others left this form of living, therefore nowadays it shows a quite heterogeneous picture to us considering their occupation, their conduct, their social role, appeared on the farms. By today everything has changed a lot from the aspects of both employment structure and farming activity. From the beginning of the 60s, for their children the school became the most important channel of social mobility. Its role was increased by two factors, on one side mechanical and technological development together with industrialization, on the other side termination of private estate property which cancelled the question of inheritance. The young generation finishing schools meant the labour supply. They generally finished trade or technical schools. These young people did not move back to their parents’ home, to the farm. They stayed in the town, started a family there and though they helped parents with the seasonal work, their children have become alienated from both this way of life and this view of life. The peasantry had a considerable role in formation of the Hungarian society throughout the centuries in the fields of economy, sociology, traditions etc. Changes in the last twenty years could not leave the farms untouched. There are new inhabitants on farms who can give a fairly heterogeneous picture regarding their trades, way of living or social role

    Society-forming effects of the system of schools for children living on detached farms

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    During the last one and a half century schools in the outskirts played an important role in elimination of illiteracy, and in shaping the traditional life in detached farms. At the time of their construction they were regarded as revolutionary ones while by today they have been surpassed.During the last one and a half century schools in the outskirts played an important role in elimination of illiteracy, and in shaping the traditional life in detached farms. At the time of their construction they were regarded as revolutionary ones while by today they have been surpassed

    Environmental protection as part of strategy in Central and East European agricultural enterprises

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    The demands and influences of the environmental movement change our life. We can find the local interests win often, therefore processes not organized because of this and investments appear beside each other. In agro-food business the reasons are attributable to lack of information and the weakness of the supplying systems. This situation offers different ways; therefore you have to find the best way to save it for the future. The problem is to know, how we can build into the strategy of the enterprise. Is it a demand or a duty? Can it be in the focus and possible to take marketing-mix around it? Environmental market is been developing in Central- and Eastern Europe, therefore its terminology has not been fixed yet. Against this situation it is possible to develop alternatives, in which marketing is very important part. Demands of customers pull the environment friend products and services. The inclination of the bad acceptance of the higher price is connected to this. On these bases how we can understand and require manifesting environmentally based marketing strategy? The security political aspect of the environmental protection has got stronger particularly under the influence of the change of the political system in Central and Eastern Europe. This way the participation in international environmental cooperation is more than the question of the protection of the environment. We would like to write about scope, measure, manage of it. It is not a duty for companies; it must be a type of motivation based everyday activity. We mention the regional special element of it

    A tanyai iskolarendszer változása a Hódmezővásárhely környéki településszerkezet megváltozásának hatására

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    In town Hódmezővásárhely schools out of the town have had big role since 1930, which could be found in 5 km radius around border of the town. Changing of farm schools is a good mirror of structural forming of population. Single districts became depopulated during the history, the schools closed down gradually there. People were moving into towns during last 40 years, so population in boondocks decreased. In 1995/1996 academic year only 5 worked, they closed down 2 years ago. These schools made force – from the beginning during one and half century – for development of boondocks schools and next generation tells thanks for more generations farm schooling. The farm schools completed their historical mission. It the last ones also lost their pupils, farm centers it was necessary to face up to challenges

    A tanyai lakosság szerepe és helye a vidéki élet vérkeringésében

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    The Great Hungarian Plain one of the - nowadays mentioned as a 'Hungaricum' in the literature - form of settlement; the population living on the farms occupies specific place in the Hungarian society. Before years - centuries - of collectivization of the agriculture inhabitants working in agriculture, earning money from it was understand in the literature. Nowadays all this an occupational construction, all of them all changed a lot in the look of commerce. The peasantry had its share of a determining role in the Hungarian society's establishment in the course of the centuries; let it be an economy, sociology, a tradition, etc. In the past twenty years did not let the farms untouched. New inhabitants, who reveal a quite heterogeneous picture to us considering their occupation, their conduct, their social role, appeared on the farms.&nbsp

    Az idő és a távolság szubjektív megítélésének vizsgálata a Hódmezővásárhely környéki tanyavilágban és tanyaközpontokban

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    The homesteads and farm centers peculiarly adapted to the socio-economic and geographical space, as well as accordingly residents participate in daily life. Spatial and temporal distance from the town and the socio-economic aspects are of the different farm people. The distance to the town's social impact on the lives, livelihoods of the farm population, this is subjective according to people's point of view. The study assessed many components, of which two daily routine, mail receiving and shipping, and the purchase will be presented